Uneven Skin Tone | Vancouver & Surrey BC


While many of us wish for a perfectly smooth complexion, in reality, it’s impossible to have a completely even skin tone. Our unique hues are part of what makes us beautiful, like rosy cheeks, bronzed tans, and sunkissed freckles. However, it is very common to experience redness, patchiness, or unwanted pigmentation that can make us feel self conscious.

Shine MD is committed to uplifting our patients and providing them with the support, knowledge, and tools they need to achieve their aesthetic goals. Dr. Mona Khurana and the team and Shine MD know that our skin plays an important role in our confidence and emotional well-being, and that is why we offer treatments that are scientifically proven to improve uneven skin tone.

Book a consultation at our Vancouver clinic.

What Causes Pigmentation?

While having pigmentation is completely normal and often harmless, some factors can influence the complexion of our skin and lead to insecurity. Common causes for uneven skin tone include:


Our bodies contain a pigment called melanin that is responsible for giving our skin, hair, and eyes their color. Melanin is produced and stored in specialized cells called melanocytes, and it protects us from UV light. While melanin is overall extremely beneficial, melanocytes can overproduce melanin, leading to splotches or patches of darker skin, called hyperpigmentation.

A specific type of hyperpigmentation known as post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation is common, especially in darker skin types. These dark skin spots occur after the skin has experienced trauma, like acne lesions, injuries, or skin conditions. The melanocytes in the skin are triggered by the trauma and produce melanin as a protective measure, leading to excess pigment.

Sun Damage

Sunspots are one of the most common forms of uneven skin pigmentation, especially as we get older. Melanin protects our skin from the harmful UV rays of the sun, but prolonged sun exposure can still lead to sunburns and skin damage. As a result, our bodies accelerate the production of melanin, which may be highly concentrated or clumped together, forming sunspots. 

Skin Conditions

A skin condition called melasma occurs when hormonal changes, including pregnancy, lead to an overproduction of melanin. Other skin conditions can cause uneven skin tone that is unrelated to melanin. For example, facial veins can cause red, purple, or blue pigmentation under the surface of the skin, and acne and rosacea can lead to redness and inflammation.

Pigmentation Treatment at Shine MD

Uneven skin tone can be caused by many factors, which may determine what treatment option is best for you. During your consultation at Shine MD, one of our treatment providers will assess your skin and diagnose any underlying skin conditions. Depending on your skin type and the factors contributing to your concern, a treatment plan will be developed to optimize your results.

Skin Care

Skin care products are particularly effective at lightening the skin. For brown pigment such as post inflammatory hyperpigmentation and melasma, hydroquinone is a powerful inhibitor of pigment production and can be found in many lightening skin care products. The team will usually recommend a pre and post care routine containing hydroquinone to ensure you have the best results possible from your laser treatment. Other products that improve pigment and suppress pigment formation are Kojic Acid and Arbutin.

Sunscreen is a must for anyone undergoing treatments for pigment reduction. We carry a wide variety of sunscreens and carefully selected products that are suitable for darker skin types. Redness and skin sensitivity related to rosacea is effectively treated with the use of gentle skin care protocols such as the Vivier Redness Program

Laser Treatments

Shine MD offers a variety of laser-based treatments for uneven skin tone. Moxi® is revolutionary technology for improving melasma and post inflammatory hyperpigmentation. This laser is safe for all skin types, including the darkest skin tones. It will improve dark spots caused by acne scarring and sun damage.

Treatments can be combined with the Forever Young BBL® to accelerate results and simultaneously rejuvenate the skin. Forever Young BBL® improves brown spots associated with sun damage and decreases redness related to rosacea and blood vessels. Moxi® and BBL combinations can be performed on any part of the body and have minimal downtime. Multiple treatments are required depending on the extent of pigment. Patients will often plan to do a series of three treatments 2-4 weeks apart.

The Halo™ Hybrid Laser works to improve brown pigment, can be effective at improving melasma and simultaneously tones and tightens the skin, inducing collagen production and restoring a healthy “Halo” glow. This treatment will result in skin changes that last from 5-7 days. Depending on your comfort level, you may return to your normal activities, letting your personal comfort level guide your social downtime.

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*Individual results may vary.