
Sculptra® is an injectable treatment that activates your skin’s natural power to produce collagen, rendering it an ideal treatment for improving skin texture, facial volumization and facial contour. At Shine MD, Dr. Khurana is experienced in using Sculptra as another approach to improving atrophic acne scars.

Contact our Vancouver clinic to book a consultation.

Sculptra® is an injectable treatment that activates your skin’s natural power to produce collagen, rendering it an ideal treatment for improving skin texture, facial volumization and facial contour. At Shine MD, Dr. Khurana is experienced in using Sculptra as another approach to improving atrophic acne scars.

Learn More About Sculptra®

Sculptra® works with your body to stimulate collagen production. The molecule Poly-L-Lactic Acid is mixed with water and injected strategically into areas of the face where it remains and then stimulates your natural collagen production pathways. A small amount of controlled inflammation actually tightens the skin, improving the laxity of the jawline and decreasing appearance of jowls.

Treatments are performed in a series spaced four to six weeks apart. Two vials are usually administered per session. The rule of thumb in terms of Sculptra dosing, is one vial per decade of life. For example, if you are sixty, you may need up to six vials of Sculptra® in order to reach your goals.

Downtime with Sculptra® is really quite minimal. You may have some bruising and tenderness in the areas of injection. Your face may feel slightly swollen for the hours or one day after the injection. This is mainly due to the volume of fluid injected and tends to absorb shortly after the treatment.

Sculptra® results are subtle and gradual, making it an ideal treatment for patients who are apprehensive about dermal fillers. Men, in particular, often prefer Sculptra as it gives them a natural appearing volumization while improving skin texture.

For atrophic acne scars, patients can expect a gradual and progressive improvement in the depth and extent of scarring. Sculptra for acne scarring is also a gradual process and best when used in conjunction with laser treatments and subcision.

If you want to achieve a natural looking improvement in volumization and skin texture, you are a good candidate for Sculptra®. This treatment is usually focused on areas such as temples, high cheeks and the jawline. You must be patient, however as this treatment series occurs over a series of two to three sessions and you must allow for time to allow the Sculptra® and collagen formation to take effect.