Skin Texture
When the surface of our skin becomes damaged, dry, or congested, we can develop a rough skin texture and a dull complexion. While textured skin is very common and completely normal, it can cause affect our confidence, especially for those who have dealt with other underlying skin concerns like acne, acne scarring, eczema, and rosacea.
Dr. Khurana and the team at Shine MD understand that our skin plays an important role in not only our overall health but also our mental and emotional wellbeing. That is why we offer a variety of skin texture treatments to smooth the surface of the skin and promote a vibrant, supple complexion.
What Causes Skin Texture?
A variety of factors can influence the texture of our skin, including:
As we age, we develop fine lines and wrinkles, adding texture to the skin. Also, aging skin gradually produces less sebum, which can lead to dryness and cause a dull complexion.
Congested Skin
Dirt and debris can accumulate on the surface of the skin, along with dead skill cells. When the skin becomes congested, it can feel rough and uneven to the touch.
Enlarged Pores
The pores of our skin are the openings of our hair follicles. Our bodies naturally excrete sebum through our pores to lubricate the hair strands and hydrate the skin. When excess sebum is produced, it can cause the pores to expand and become large and aesthetically bothersome.
Sun Damage
The harmful ultraviolet rays that are emitted by the sun cause the breakdown of helpful proteins in our skin called collagen and elastin. Frequent sun exposure can lead to a damaged, leathery skin texture.
Acne and Acne Scarring
Active acne breakouts can become inflamed, causing bumps under the surface of the skin. Blackheads and whiteheads can also lead to enlarged pores and differences in skin texture. After acne breakouts have healed, they may leave visible scars, which can further influence the texture of the skin. To find out more about acne and acne scarring, visit our Acne Clinic.
Skin Conditions
Skin conditions like eczema and rosacea can cause the skin to have a dry, cracked, or rough texture.
Certain lifestyle factors can influence the texture of the skin, including frequent smoking or drinking.
Skin Texture Treatment at Shine MD
When considering your approach to improving skin texture, combination therapy with neuromodulators and laser based treatments gives the highest yield results. For patients with mild to moderate wrinkles with a desire for a shorter downtime, the Halo Hybrid laser is often the treatment of choice. For patients with moderate to severe textural concerns such as deep wrinkles around the mouth or corners of the eyes, Contour TRL deep resurfacing treatments are the most definitive approach for long term improvement. The downtime with facial resurfacing is more significant and can come with 1-3 weeks of healing time and redness that can last for up to three months. Deep resurfacing can only be performed on lighter skin types.
Textural acne scarring can be approached with various combinations of Halo, Profractional and Microlaser Peel. Subcision with PRP is an effective adjunct to laser treatments and improves the appearance of atrophic acne scars. Resurfacing can also be performed as needed for the appropriate candidate. Acne Scar Treatment plans will factor in your type and grade of acne scarring, skin tone and threshold for downtime. The journey for acne scarring can take months or years to complete with progressive and steady improvements expected with each session.
Treatments such as the Moxi Laser, Forever Young BBL, Microneedling and Medical Grade Facials each have their individual role in gentle and steady improvement and maintenance of skin texture and skin luminosity. These treatments are often used in combination with the more aggressive ablative lasers such as Halo and Contour TRL Deep Resurfacing.
Shine MD has leading technology for the treatment of surgical and traumatic scars. Combination therapy using ablative and fractional lasers are effective at reducing the appearance of some scars. Treatment plans are managed according to treatment response and goals.
We offer the following treatments for textured skin:
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*Individual results may vary.